[Podcast Interview] How To Pay For Coaching

I’ve got something fiery to share with you today!

My friend Claire Byrne (aka The Heartbreak Coach) recently had me on her podcast to talk all-things money and manifestation.

(Side note: I had no idea how much I would love recording podcast interviews, but I’m OBSESSED!)

The episode we recorded is called “How To Pay For Coaching,” and it’s for you if…

a) you get hung up on the “how” or find yourself saying “I can’t afford it” when it comes to investing in experiences you want

b) you get stuck coaching potential clients through their blocks when it comes to investing in working with you

c) both of the above ring true!

Here's the link to listen to the episode.

Claire got the idea to partner up for this podcast after noticing how many women wanted to hire her but felt trapped in a mindset of “I can’t afford it.”

Can you relate?

If you’re a coach, I’m guessing the answer is YES. I have yet to meet or work with a single coach who hasn’t encountered some good old money objections with potential clients.

Money-related objections provide the perfect excuses to stay in the comfort of what we know, even if we are unhappy with our current reality.

Diving deeper into thoughts about money with potential clients provides a powerful opportunity to change how they see themselves and the world around them.

This is because money is neutral, but tends to bring up alllll of our stuff — past conditioning, patterns, insecurities, you name it. It’s become one of my favorite topics to coach other coaches around, because it’s like a shortcut to the juiciest stuff (and biggest opportunities for healing)!

I share more about my own journey and relationship with money in this interview with Claire. I also talk about…

  • My own personal growth journey and experiences investing in myself

  • How I manifested $14K to pay for my Spiritual Psychology program in 2015 (I share the ONE big perspective shift that led to this happening super fast after two years of feeling stalled)

  • What inspired me to dip into my “rainy day fund” to pay for my first coach (before I made a dime in my coaching business!)

  • The best question to ask yourself once you’ve made the decision to go after what you want

  • ...and much more!

Here’s the link one more time.



P.S. If you've been feeling the call to work with a coach, but are waiting until you have more money saved before pulling the trigger, I invite you to pause and consider this: in the time you are waiting and saving, you could be making more money than ever before. This is what happens when you open yourself up to receiving support and stop trying to figure it out all on your own.

If you're ready to drop the struggle and get over your money blocks once and for all, I can help. This is the exact work I do with my clients. I teach them how to shift out of "saver" mode and actively CREATE more money in their businesses than ever before.

The coaching pays for itself, but that's just the beginning. Learning how to bring in money consistently is a skill that will serve you for the rest of your life. It makes business way more fun, and it supports you in building the life you want for your family while doing what you love most. If that's your goal, I would love to get you there sooner.

Click here to schedule a time for us to explore making it happen together!