Pressed for time? This unexpected tool will give you space to breathe

Are you pressed for time? Totally overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list and unable to recharge? Perhaps it feels impossible to take time for yourself — to enjoy your life, and actually squeeze in some fun and adventure. If this resonates with you — and you feel like you’re too wiped to carry on as you have been — I’m going to suggest something that might feel counter-intuitive at first.

Should you or shouldn't you? Getting clear on what you really want

Underneath your "should" is a gold mine of information. Maybe it’s a long-held desire, a heartfelt dream that still feels intimidating — one that you don't feel “ready” to tackle. But maybe it’s not. It could be a judgment about how you’re not currently doing “enough,’ or a step towards someone else’s vision for you that is well-intentioned but doesn’t feel aligned with what you envision for yourself. How do you tell the difference?

How to balance productivity and perfectionism

This one is for the perfectionists (and recovering perfectionists) out there. It’s a call to action for anyone who’s let their obsession with doing things flawlessly and fears of what others might think stand in their way. It’s a reminder for anyone who thinks that they’re not yet “ready” to pursue their dream (or even take the first step towards it).